Monday, July 27, 2009

Hey baby

My last post about re-dedicating my life to being skinny is a joke. Seriously? Right. I enjoy eating, flat out, plain and simple. I enjoy going to get a coffee with a friend, sure the milk will be non-fat but I now refuse to worry about the "points" in the damn drink.

So, forget Weight Watchers. I refuse to follow the points, I refuse to make myself stay within the certain number during the day, then at night when home with the family beat myself up relentlessly because I didn't stay within the points! it's ridiculous. I'm sick of feeling like crap when I don't do what the plan states I should.

I am not fat! I am 5'6" and I weigh 153 pounds. That is not fat! I felt completely liberated this morning when I read this article:

Kate Harding, you are my hero! Thank you for giving me permission not to be a hard ass on myself, and realize I am beautiful the way I am. AND that it's okay to eat, like to eat, to cook, to bake and to be everything I am without the guilt. Goodbye diet! Goodbye guilt, goodbye weight watchers 3 month journal. I'm going to be happy with who I am and stop projecting my stupid insipid feelings of inadequacy on my family and co-workers.

And dammit, I'm gonna have a Dr. Pepper!

1 comment:

  1. Yay for you! I'm so happy to actually read a post where a person is berating self for not being a size 0.
