Wednesday, July 8, 2009

A case of the giggles...

Today's writing prompt: What makes you giggle (or chuckle)?

I have a cat, dog, and two ferrets. The dog and cat were first, then the two ferrets came along much to the displeasure of the dog and cat. Dog and cat now get along with said ferrets.

Brian is the albino male, who is very sweet, loves his Bandit treats and prefers to hide them rather than eat them immediately. Then there is Gillian, she is a sable ferret who is just plain bad. She digs, scratches and gets into absolutely everything. Brian on the other hand is mild tempered and is happy scuttle butting around the house. Gillian needs to dig in the couch, boxes, our bed, under refrigerators.

Brian was the first ferret we owned for about six months, then we got Gillian. And yes, they are named after Family Guy, Brian the dog and his girlfriend Gillian, whose voice is Drew Barrymore. The names and personalities fit completely, let me tell you.

OK! So what does this have to do with giggling, you ask? I will tell you. Prior to Gillian arriving on the scene, Brian loved my cat Pumpkin, who is a very picky skiddish cat but is overly loved and very stingy with her love. She's more like the spoiled little girl of the family (oh wait, that sounds like me). Prior to Gillian's grand entrance, Brian and Pumpkin would play. Once Gills made the entrance, Pumpkin was done with Brian.

I snapped this photo this past weekend of Brian in the act of attempting to coersce Pumpkin into playing. Needless to say, it did not work. She ignored him, he got bored and scuttle butted away.
Most of the time however, she gets very pissed that he won't leave her alone and she grabs him with all four legs and starts to lick him, then bite him, lick, bite, lick, bite. Then when he tries to get away she uses her back legs to kick the crap out of him. It's quite a hilarious scene. It's truly a love/hate relationship.

And that's what makes me giggle.

Brian apparently is cheating on Pumpkin with Gillian, so forget it, she's not down with the playing. This is very upsetting to Brian so he does everything he can to get Pumpkin to play with him. Most of the time this consists of laying in front of near her, flat on his stomach in hopes she will have pity on him and play!

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