Friday, July 31, 2009

Boy band love

I have a confession to make and hopefully it won't hurt the street 'cred' (whatever that is)... but I love Justin Timberlake. He's freaking hot, he can dance and I love his music and he can actually sing (unlike his ex-girlfriend Ms. Spears). Haven't listened to his music in about year and he just popped up on the iPod at work (while I'm supposed to be doing homework, whoops) and I can hardly focus... just swaying to 'My Love.'

That song was my hubby's ring tone when we were dating and I lived in Dallas and he lived here in Oklahoma. Reminds me of the hubby. Seriously, I'm not thinking about Justin's perfect abs and ass.. Really.

Ok, switching the iPod back to Radiohead. geez.


  1. He is HOT and FUNNY...Love the SNL skits of Dick in a Box. They are hysterical..

  2. I never got him before, but then his skits on SNL, that commercial for Pepsi (I think) and his appreances on Nickolodean...
    ...he's got my vote.
    He's a crooner that one.

  3. Justin is cute and I like the song What goes around comes around a lot :)

  4. Ah yes, What Goes Around Comes Around is fantastic. I think it's a lil dig at Ms. Britney Spears and her tramping ways.

  5. The song sure is about Ms. Spears.. Anyone can tell :)
